Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Next Steps

So at this point I have something that works for demo purposes. I'm still waiting on a few parts before I can bolt Robie together and focus purely on software. On the hardware side of things I have the following items on my do-list:

  • Secure the Pi to the chassis in a better fashion. Right now there's a single screw and spacer holding the board to the chassis. Not ideal. I have some nylon screws and spacers on order which should make the mount rock-solid.
  • Solder and secure the LiPo charging board. It has to arrive in the mail first of course. Until then I'm stuck with USB tethers.
  • Mount and wire up the audio amplifier board. It also has yet to arrive. This will give Robie some vocal capabilities. What he'll eventually say or sound like I'm not quite sure yet.
  • Connect Robie's switches. The most important of these being his top switch. I intend on this being a mode switch.
  • Connect the ultrasonic ping sensor. It's mounted of course, but I have yet to connect it to the Pi.
  • Figure out what to do with the Ir distance sensor. My hope is to mount it somewhere near the center of the front bumper and point it towards the floor. That way Robie will know in advance when there is a set of stairs approaching and take the appropriate action.

To that end I mapped out the GPIO wiring. I found a nifty printable chart online using my Google-fu. Honestly I think it was from the main site, but I can't recall:

So now I can have some confidence that every peripheral is accounted for.

Software-wise my main priority is going to be shoring up the Android code and then releasing it on Github. My estimation in this is probably some time over the weekend.

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