Thursday, February 26, 2015

Then and Now

I don't really have much to say today. I didn't get any time to work on Robie yesterday. So perhaps I'll take the time to pause and marvel at modern technology.

On the left is Robie's original control board. On the right is a Raspberry Pi model B+. Robie's new control board is a model A+, so it's even smaller than this.

Though Robie was pretty cool for his time, he certainly didn't have much computing horsepower. It's amazing what 28 years of technological advancement brings. Cell phones were the size of a brick and cost as much as a car when Robie was first introduced. The World Wide Web didn't exist yet (never mind Facebook, Twitter and selfies).  And a desktop computer was thick, beige and literally took up your entire desk.

Now we have a Raspberry Pi that costs < $50 and can run circles around that same beige box. I mean that literally because Robie has wheels of course :-P

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