It's an amazing time we live in. Electronics experimentation has never been more accessible or more affordable. And the stuff you can build with off-the-shelf parts is pretty impressive. I thought I'd share some of the parts that are going in to this build. In the coming posts I'll explain why I chose these parts and how they will interface with the build.
List of parts and prices (inc shipping, USD):
- Powerbank (LiPo batteries): $21.00
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor: $1.11
- L293D motor driver: $2.45
- M-F jumper wire: $1.28
- F-F jumper wire: $1.58
- M-M jumper wire: $1.58
-300mbps n/b/g USB wifi: $5.25
- IR distance sensor: $2.99
- LM2577S DC-DC boost module: $2.78
- LM386 audio amp: $1.11
- LiPo boost plate: $7.95
- Robie the robot (broken): $23.64
- Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 2x8GB microSD, raspi cam: $106.73
- 2x NeoPixel Jewel 7 LED's - $15.97
For a total BOM of: $195.42... So far ;-)
Most of what you see was purchased on E-Bay from various vendors in China. It takes up to a month and a half for the packages to show up. So it can be a bit frustrating. But for the patient the reward is cheap gear!
The Neo Pixels were purchased closer to home from maker-friendly outfit Adafruit.
The Raspi gear itself was obtained through Allied.
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