Friday, February 6, 2015

Part Of Me Wants More Parts

It's an amazing time we live in. Electronics experimentation has never been more accessible or more affordable. And the stuff you can build with off-the-shelf parts is pretty impressive. I thought I'd share some of the parts that are going in to this build. In the coming posts I'll explain why I chose these parts and how they will interface with the build.

List of parts and prices (inc shipping, USD):

- Powerbank (LiPo batteries): $21.00
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor: $1.11
- L293D motor driver: $2.45
- M-F jumper wire: $1.28
- F-F jumper wire: $1.58
- M-M jumper wire: $1.58
-300mbps n/b/g USB wifi: $5.25
- IR distance sensor: $2.99
- LM2577S DC-DC boost module: $2.78
- LM386 audio amp: $1.11
- LiPo boost plate: $7.95
- Robie the robot (broken): $23.64
- Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 2x8GB microSD, raspi cam: $106.73
- 2x NeoPixel Jewel 7 LED's - $15.97

For a total BOM of: $195.42... So far ;-)

Most of what you see was purchased on E-Bay from various vendors in China. It takes up to a month and a half for the packages to show up. So it can be a bit frustrating. But for the patient the reward is cheap gear!

The Neo Pixels were purchased closer to home from maker-friendly outfit Adafruit.

The Raspi gear itself was obtained through Allied.

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